PH Flag POEA Licensed Suppliers of Filipino Manpower Overseas

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With a welding rod. Subnet Services Ltd Is a UK registered company. We have Recruitment Offices and Competency Training and Assessment facilities in the UK and the Philippines supplying Personnel and Competency Training To The Many Oilfield and Other Industries World Wide.





Subnet RTA is now part of the Subnet Group.

By Web Administrator. Posted on 8:23 pm.

Other members of the group are as follows:

Deep 6 Inc.

Is a Philippines BPO company with a UK owner and management team delivering call center, back office IT services and software development operating out of Manila 24/7 to cover all time zones for the group members and group member world wide clients business processing.


SubNet Services Ltd.

Is a UK registered company delivering personnel and bespoke consultancy and training services to the oilfield industry. Specializing in Subsea, ROV, Welder Training & Assessment, Fiber Optics, Robotics, Electronics, Electrics and NDT etc.


SubNet Construction

Is a company specializing in Fabrication and Construction of anything from Houses to Steel Structures.

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